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We are a non-profit and we work with other non-profits. We actively and collaboratively engage with your staff, board, members, and program participants. We coauthor reports with help from your staff, attend meetings via Zoom, and provide consultation, webinars, and presentations.


Here are some of the things that we are able to do for you. We can use the US Census American Community Survey (ACS) data to help you plan and evaluate your programs. As part of your development process we can provide you with a report having the statistics that many grant making organizations require. For example, poverty level, age, and household income for the communities you serve. We can provide statistics for characteristics of families, children, or seniors who may participate in your programs. There are also many other “public use” data sets besides the ACS available.


When we analyze data and produce a report for you, we also provide image files, spreadsheets, and tables that go behind the statistics and graphics that appear in your report. This way you can include them in reports or presentations that you may want to create in the future. You can also use the spreadsheets to create graphics with a program that you might like to use.

Photo Credit Sinagua Pueblo at Tuzigoot National Monument in Arizona by David Dorer © 2022 all rights reserved used with permission.